Friday, October 31, 2008

Claudia's 1st day of German Kita!

Well, it's finally here! Claudia's long awaited first day of school! But it's no regular preschool--it's a German Kita or Kindergarten! Here in Germany, they don't call it preschool, they call it Kindergarten until they start in Year 1, when their formal education begins. In Year 1 is when they get their real schultutte(see above blog for description), but we couldn't let Claudia start her very first year of school without such a fun treat, especially since her big sister had one! It was of course on a much smaller level, but still just as fun for her to receive.

She is attending a school called The Tom Sawyer school (in the old American Sector). It is bilingual. She has a German speaking teacher and an English speaking teacher, so she hears both languages all day. Most of the children in her class speak German, with the exception of 1 or 2 that speak both. It is our hope that she gets a jump start on learning German now, so she can be more prepared in future German classes. And maybe she can even help teach me!

At school she not only gets to have breakfast, but lunch too. This is a Montessori based school, so they really feel like eating is such a big part of their social interaction. And now that I think about it--they are right! What do I do when I am visiting a friend? I usually go out to eat!

Aside from things she is doing in the classroom, she gets to take additional classes that other teachers volunteer to teach during free time. So our little Claudia is taking Pottery on Mondays and Music on Wednesdays! She loves these extra activities, especially since she's so used to hearing about all the fun stuff Paige gets to do at her school! She is finally able to do her own thing!

Outside of school, Claudia started taking swim lessons too. Next year when she attends the British School with Paige, it will be part of her curriculum there. But for now, her class is right next door to her school, which is super convenient and she has a great time too!

Claudia is getting a great start to her education, and we can't wait to see all the different German traditions she'll be introduced too along the way!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Paige's First Day of School--2008

The first day of school is always so exciting. But this...this was Year 1! In Germany it is an old tradition that when a child enters Year 1 they are given a Schuletutte to celebrate the beginning of their educational experience. A Schuletutte is a cone shaped, treat filled gift. It use to be only filled with sweets, but now it is a few sweets, school supplies and other fun things your child may be in to. Not only are the kids given these gifts, but they have all the parents, siblings, grandparents, neighbors etc. come to present it to the child. I didn't tell Paige about this event, so when we showed up for the big presentation of the Schuletutte, her face lit up with such excitement I will never forget it! At the close of the ceremony we all went outside to take pictures. There we had an opportunity to catch up on each others summers and meet the teacher who was new to BBS. There wasn't a whole lot for them to get use to, because these kids were in each others class last year. There are only two Year 1 classes and every year the class stays together when they move up. It was a lovely day that will always be special for Paige. Welcome to Year 1, Paige!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


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Here are a few pictures of our trip to Italy in September. We had the opportunity to take a little vacation alongside attending a wedding there. Craig's buddy Pete La Franchise met a wonderful little Italian girl, whose family is from Rome, but have a house in Alghero, Sardinia Italy. It was a lovely wedding. The people there were precious and loving. The weather was gorgeous, the beach was gorgeous--what can I say? It was GORGEOUS!! We stayed in an apartment we rented right on the beach where we could take the kids out everyday to play very easily. The beaches were clean and the water magnificent! The water was not only clear, but warm! We were told that it takes June and July to warm the water up, so August and September were the warmest times for the water--perfect! We were able to walk around the town, take a boat ride out to a cavern and just enjoy not having to run all over the place. It was a real vacation! I know that when we go to Rome and some of the other big cities we will want to run all over and see everything, but when your in a small, beautiful town like this with no pressures to see every museum and church for the sake of history--it was nice to just relax. Take a look at the beautiful scenery we were able to enjoy and you'll understand exactly what I mean!